Discover the 15 signs you are chosen by God, including hearing His voice, doing good work, and living with purpose, as revealed in the Bible.
22+ Bible Characters Chosen by God for Greatness
These Bible characters were chosen for greatness because God was impressed by the condition of their hearts.
The Summary of the Story of Jesus’ Birth
The story of the birth of Jesus is one of hope and promise, showing how God sent His Son to the world.
12 Lessons from the Life of Judas Iscariot
Lessons from the life of Judas Iscariot highlight the impact of betrayal, the emptiness of greed, and the consequences of unrepentance.
11 Lessons from Bible Verses about Honesty in Relationships
Lessons from Bible Verses about Honesty show us that the truth brings freedom, healing, and growth in Relationships.
12 Lessons from The Birth of Jesus
Explore the lessons from the birth of Jesus, including humility, trusting God, and the importance of staying hidden until the right time.
14 Signs God is Preparing You for Leadership
You’ve come across this page because God is confirming that He is preparing you for leadership, and these “14 Signs God is Preparing You for Leadership” will serve […]
12 Signs She’s the One from God
If you’re looking for biblical signs on whether she’s the one God has for you, look to Proverbs 31. A godly woman is trustworthy, wise, hardworking, and compassionate. […]
30 Declarations to Affirm I AM Marked by God
These 30 powerful declarations will affirm that you are uniquely marked by God to live a powerful purpose.
10 Characteristics of a King in the Bible
Learn the secrets of successful biblical leadership by looking at the characteristics of a King in the Bible! These kings weren’t just powerful, they were Godly too.