Are you looking to grow in self-esteem, self-confidence, authority, and holiness?
King At Heart (KAH) is a movement designed to empower men like you to unleash your inner king.
Men shouldn’t feel they need to fit the world’s definition of masculinity to be worthy and feel powerful. Each man, despite their age or finances, is royalty as they were created in the image of a royal God. A beautiful heart, full of fruits of the spirit, is what truly makes a man precious to God. God sees beyond appearances and values the good within each man.
David was a King at Heart
The biblical story of young David, before he was king, shows him to be a boy who didn’t fit the “human” standard of being a king. By worldly standards, his brothers would have been the clear choice. They were older, taller, and handsome warriors, seemingly perfect for the role. In comparison, David was the youngest, a lowly sheep keeper with no experience in war.
But, God chose him for a royal and HIGH position because he had a beautiful heart. When the prophet looked at another man he thought more fit to be king, God replied: “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
King At Heart’s Vision
KAH empowers men to cultivate inner strength and self-worth through inspiring advice articles. This movement will soon expand to include resources for men’s fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and guidance on raising confident, kind, and emotionally mature sons.
I’m sure we can both agree that healthy men have a special role on this earth.
“Healed men can promote transformation when they inspire change within their family, community, and global roles.
Men that desire to please God are the most attractive and they’re needed in this world. KAH hopes to help you clean out the emotional clutter that hinders you from pursuing your God-given purpose and having the best relationships/friendships.
Who founded King at Heart?
KAH is entirely based on biblical standards of holiness and character. Christina Daniels is the founder, and her goal is to facilitate Male-Led fellowship, prayer, Bible studies, etc to empower an army of men to walk in their spiritual power and confidence. KAH is under the umbrella of the organization Adorned Heart which caters to women and is a registered non-profit.