These man of God prayers will help you get to the next level in spiritual maturity.

Men of God like YOU are needed in this world to continue praying. When men pray they release biblical authority, alignment, and order into the atmosphere. Use these powerful prayer points to help direct you in changing the atmosphere daily, removing strongholds, encouraging growth, and promoting kingdom strategy across the entire globe.

Related Article: 33 Prayer Points for Powerful Men + Scriptures

Man of God Prayer

Father, help me to remain righteous in all situations, so I can properly display your love. I declare that my mindset and behaviors will line up with your written word. Thank you father for giving me the strength to be a man with good reputation that honors you in all things. I will allow you to lead me God and I will not be puffed up in my opinions of Godly living and standards. I thank you God for increasing my love and understanding of biblical truths, so I can devote myself to Godly wisdom.

O’ Lord, I seek your face to uproot all unbiblical lies that dwell in my mind. Help me to know that you are good despite the storms I may face. I thank you Father for giving me the authority to pray against everything that seeks to destroy my relationships, finances, and health. You have plans to prosper me, so I put my hope in your good plans father. I declare that you have withheld no good thing from me, so I thank you for what I do have.

Thank you father for establishing me with a sober mind. I rebuke the remnants of the old man within me. I thank you father for removing distrust, shame, selfishness, manipulation, fear, lust, control, victimhood, legalism, hypocritical behavior, pride, rebellion, judgment, and any carnal thought that opposes the will of God. I praise you Jehovah-M’Kaddesh, the God whom sanctifies, for cleansing my heart of impurities, bitterness, painful memories, and demonic lies.

Man of God Prayer Points

  • Protection from Temptations: O’ Lord, I ask that you would protect me from the schemes of the enemy. I ask that you would keep me pure and righteous in your sight. I declare that I will have laser vision and the focus needed to follow your leading, right now.
  • Submits to the leading of the Lord: Father in heaven, thank you for guiding me into your will. I ask for clear discernment, so I won’t be lead astray from your path.
  • Has a pure heart: O’ Lord, I ask that you search my heart and cleanse it from pride, anger, lust, rebellion, deceit, fear, and control. Thank you Father because as I pray, I’m letting go of control and dying to my flesh.
  • Is filled with fruits of the spirit: Abba father, thank you for filling me with “….love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control…” – Galatians 5:22-23
  • Has financial and career success: O’ Lord, bless me with promotions, jobs, and favor so that I can do your will. Help me to work unto you and not unto man. I thank you that I am stable and can keep a job. I thank you that I am financially wise, saves, and a cheerful giver. And I rejoice because you are keeping my heart free from the love of money.
  • Can make good decisions: Father, I desire to make good decisions and move swiftly at the sound of your voice. Thank you father that you are preparing my heart and mind to make great decisions that honor you and brings good fruits.
  • Has great community: I thank you papa for surrounding me with good family, friends, and spiritual mentors. I thank you that I am accountable to them and I consider their guidance. I pray to feel loved and seen by my community. Thank you that I hear their wisdom and it’s guiding me in the right direction.
  • Family Values: O’ Lord, would you help model your compassion towards my children, wife, and family. Give me the patience, wisdom, and understanding to lead my family in righteousness. I pray for my family and ask that they would be pure in heart and also follow the leading of you O’ Lord. I declare that my household is filled with peace, love, good communication, and purity. Amen.
  • Ability to fight for connection: O’ Lord, I pray that I would become bold and focused in my pursuit of you. I thank you that I will submission to you and you will lead him to all that I need. Help my papa to avoid wasting time. Heal my insecurities insecurities, so nothing would hinder me from fiercely coming going after all that you have purposed me for O’ Lord.

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